Decorative & Holiday Silhouettes for Sale

All silhouettes are signed by the artist. Frames are gold finished wood, 1″ to 2″ wide. Price does not include shipping, handling and insurance.

Hand-cut Originals // Matted – $35 each
Laser Prints // Matted – $8 each
Laser Prints // Matted w/ Wooden Frame – $35 each

Order Form for Decorative & Holiday Silhouettes

To order decorative and/or holiday silhouettes, fill out the form below, submit the form and the artist will contact you to discuss your order.

Check, money order, credit cards and PayPal accepted.

[[[["field13","greater_than","0"]],[["show_fields","field113,field110"]],"and"],[[["field110","equal_to","0"],["field110","equal_to","0, 1"]],[["show_fields","field54,field108"]],"or"],[[["field110","equal_to","1"],["field110","equal_to","0, 1"]],[["show_fields","field54,field111"]],"or"],[[["field110","equal_to"],["field110","equal_to","1"]],[["set_value",null,"",null,"field108"]],"or"],[[["field110","equal_to"],["field110","equal_to","0"]],[["set_value",null,null,null,"field111"]],"or"]]
Contact Info
First Name
Last Name
Street Address
Zip Code
Daytime Phone#
Evening Phone#
Please Select Your Options:
First, Pick Type of Media:Choose one
Choose a Style:
Silhouettes for Sale:Pick one or both
Select Artwork
Pick Desired Decorative Silhouette:Choose one or more silhouettes
Pick Desired Holiday Silhouette:Choose one or more silhouettes
Estimated Total: $[FIELD13*(FIELD108+FIELD111)]
*Disclaimer: This is only an estimate and may not include matting & framing, shipping, handling, insurance or surcharge. Submit this form and the artist will contact you to discuss about your project, and provide a free quote.
Which payment method do you prefer?
Comments & Special Instructions
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