Paintings for Sale

Charcoal/Conte, Pastel & Oil Paintings

All originals are signed by the artist and can be matted and framed for an additional charge. Price does not include shipping, handling and insurance.

Color Giclee reproductions, matted and unframed, are available of each of the works for sale shown.

Approx. 8×10 matted to 11×14 – $20
Approx. 13×16 matted to 16×20 – $35

*original paintings varies with size of original artwork

Order Form for Paintings

All originals are signed by the artist, beautifully matted, and framed under glass. Frames are gold finished wood, 1 to 2″ wide. Price does not include shipping, handling and insurance.

Color Giclee reproductions, matted and unframed, are available of each of the works for sale shown.

To order paintings, fill out the form below, submit the form and the artist will contact you to discuss your order.

Check, money order, credit cards and PayPal accepted.

[[[["field13","equal_to"],["field13","equal_to","0"]],[["set_value",null,null,null,"field111"]],"or"],[[["field13","equal_to"],["field13","equal_to","1"]],[["set_value",null,null,null,"field108"],["set_value",null,null,null,"field110"]],"or"],[[["field13","equal_to","0"],["field13","equal_to","0, 1"]],[["show_fields","field113,field110"]],"or"],[[["field110","equal_to","20"],["field110","equal_to","35"],["field110","equal_to","20, 35"]],[["show_fields","field108,field54"]],"or"],[[["field13","equal_to","1"],["field13","equal_to","0, 1"]],[["show_fields","field122,field111"]],"or"],[[["field108","greater_than","0"],["field111","greater_than","0"]],[["show_fields","field101,field124"]],"or"]]
Contact Info
First Name
Last Name
Street Address
Zip Code
Daytime Phone#
Evening Phone#
Please Select Your Options:
First, Pick Type of Media:Choose one or both
Choose a Size:
Color Giclee ReproductionsPick a size or both
Select Artwork:
Pick Desired Color Reproductions:Choose one or more paintings
Select Artwork:
Pick Desired Original Artwork:Choose one or more paintings
Matting & Framing
Would you like your artwork matted & framed?*Additional charge applies. Please call or email with any questions you may have.
Estimated Total: $[(FIELD108*FIELD110)+FIELD111]
*Disclaimer: This is only an estimate and may not include matting & framing, shipping, handling, insurance or surcharge. Submit this form and the artist will contact you to discuss about your project, and provide a free quote.
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